Empowering Communities for Change

Listen to this powerful and inspirational conversation addressing the issues facing black men in America. Leaders in their own right( 19 Keys, Erica Ford and Jay J), have called for a high-level dialogue to tackle systemic challenges head-on. But they go beyond mere discussion – they emphasize the need for action, for being the change in the communities they serve.

From Digital to Reality

Our speakers make it clear: digital activism can only go so far. The time for change is now, and it’s about making a real impact on the streets. It’s a call to move beyond hashtags and shareable posts and to take the struggle to the neighborhoods that need it most.

Updating the Street Code

The speakers are candid about the realities of life on the streets and the need to reevaluate the old codes to fit new nuances and contexts. It’s about understanding and taking ownership of the communities, working collectively to address the root causes of street addictions.

The Power of Hip Hop

One powerful tool in this fight is hip hop. It’s more than just music; it’s a guiding light that can steer young people away from addiction and danger. Our speakers recognize the resonance of hip hop in these communities and how it can be a beacon of hope and change.

Understanding and Caring

At the core of their message is a plea for understanding and care in these communities. They emphasize the need for a collective effort to bring about real change. It’s not about saviors coming from outside, but communities taking ownership of their destinies.

Dedication and Resilience

Erica Ford, one of the speakers, speaks candidly about the challenges of her leadership role. She’s faced with the task of bringing people together and creating positive environments, all while facing criticism and attacks from those who may not agree with her message. Her story embodies the dedication and resilience required to lead and create positive change.

Community Building and Reform

Our speakers touch on several aspects of community building, social movements, and criminal justice reform. They emphasize the importance of personal responsibility, change in over-policed environments, and initiatives focused on violence prevention and mental health. Funding is a significant challenge, and alternative sources and collective vision are essential for sustainable growth.

A Call to Action

In the end, the speakers call on their listeners to take an active role in social issues. They stress the need for providing support and accountability to organizations and leaders to make a meaningful impact. It’s not just a podcast; it’s a call to arms, a reminder that change begins with each and every one of us.

Embracing Royalty and Abundance

The concept of Crown Society isn’t just about physical crowns; it’s about empowering individuals to feel like royalty, to embrace abundance and prosperity. It’s about protecting one’s mind and thinking freely, as exemplified by the likes of Nelson Mandela and the distribution of empowering flyers in New York City projects.

Empathy and Unity

These speakers highlight the power of empathy and unity in affecting systemic change. Regardless of our backgrounds or positions, they urge us to take action and make a positive impact. The message is clear: we must look out for each other and work together to pave the way for a brighter future for all.

It’s not about the glittering jewels on your head; it’s about the strength in your heart and the collective power to create a better world. Stand tall, be the change, and wear your invisible crown with pride.