High blood pressure, or hypertension, has earned its reputation as the silent killer, stealthily affecting many in our fast-paced modern world. In this blog, we’ll unravel the complexities of hypertension, exploring its causes, symptoms, and a natural approach to its management.

Understanding Hypertension: The hustle and bustle of our industrialized and metropolitan lifestyles contribute to the rise of psychological tensions, leading to increased adrenaline in the bloodstream and subsequently elevated blood pressure. To comprehend hypertension, it’s essential to grasp the role of blood circulation and the pressure exerted by the heart on the arteries.

Measuring Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is measured using a sphygmomanometer, and readings are expressed in millimeters of mercury. The systolic pressure, indicating the heart’s contraction, and diastolic pressure, reflecting artery pressure during relaxation, are crucial parameters. While the normal range is 120/70, variations up to 140/90 are considered acceptable. Beyond this, readings signal borderline to severe hypertension.

Symptoms of Hypertension: Mild and moderate hypertension can remain asymptomatic for years, making regular monitoring vital. Early symptoms may include morning head and neck pain, dizziness, aches, palpitations, and fatigue. Also, frequent urination and being emotionally upset. If left unchecked, hypertension can lead to severe consequences like heart attacks, strokes, or other disabling conditions.

Causes of Hypertension: Stress and an unhealthy lifestyle are primary contributors to hypertension. Prolonged stress can permanently elevate blood pressure, even after its removal. Unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, and a diet high in processed foods can disrupt the body’s natural balance, leading to hypertension. Additionally, factors like obesity, diabetes, and kidney-related issues play a role in its development.

The contemporary medical approach to treating high blood pressure is notably lacking in scientific merit, relying on drugs to lower pressure without addressing the root causes. While these medications may provide temporary relief, they fail to offer a cure and can be detrimental in the long run. Without exception, all hypertension drugs are toxic and come with unpleasant side effects. The most secure method to address hypertension involves identifying and eliminating its underlying causes. A natural approach emphasizes the removal of toxins from the system responsible for elevated blood pressure. Individuals with high blood pressure are advised to adopt a well-balanced routine, incorporating proper diet, exercise, and sufficient rest. Notably, the choice of foods, with an emphasis on minimizing the consumption of meat and eggs, plays a pivotal role in managing blood pressure levels.

A Holistic Approach to Cure: Traditional medical treatments often focus on managing symptoms with drugs, but a more holistic approach targets the root causes. Natural remedies emphasize lifestyle changes to eliminate toxins causing hypertension. Let’s explore dietary recommendations, exercise, and water treatments that contribute to a comprehensive healing process.

Dietary Recommendations: The blood pressure can be lowered, and blood clotting diminished by partaking of a higher fruit content, lower protein and non-flesh diet. A fruit-only diet for a week, followed by a gradual reintroduction of foods, can kickstart the healing process. Specific fruits like oranges, apples, pears, and watermelon (seeds specifically) are particularly beneficial. Vegetables, especially in their raw form, play a crucial role. If they are cooked, it should be ensured that their natural juices are not burnt in the process of cooking. Vegetables like cucumber, carrot, tomatoes, onion, radish, cabbage and spinach are best taken in their raw form. They may be cut into small pieces and sprinkled with a little salt and the juice of a lemon added to them so as to make them more palatable. Bananas and jack fruit should not be taken!

GARLIC: Garlic is recognized as a highly effective solution for reducing blood pressure. Its ability to alleviate spasms in small arteries contributes to a reduction in pressure and tension. Moreover, garlic has the capacity to slow the pulse, adjust heart rhythm, and provide relief from symptoms such as dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, and digestive gas formation.

INDIAN GOOSEBERRY (AMIA): another effective food remedy for high blood pressure. A tablespoonful each of fresh amla juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning in this condition.

LEMON: regarded as a valuable food to control high blood pressure. It is arich source of vitamin P which is found both in the juice and peel of the fruit. This vitamin is essential for preventing capillary fragility.

WATERMELON: It was proved in experiments, conducted in the 90’S, that a substance extracted from watermelon seeds has a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which results in lowering the blood pressure.

YOGIC ASANAS: surya namaskar, makrasana,matsyasana, vajrasana, ardhapadmasana, pavan-muktasana, shavasana and simple pranayama like anuloma-viloma and abdominal breathing are beneficial. All asanas should, however, be discontinued except shavasana if the blood pressure is above 200 milimeters. (I would do your homework on this)

Studies done in the 90’s prove the importance of dietary calcium and potassium in maintaining vascular health, emphasizing their abundance in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

Exercise and Water Treatments: Regular exercise, starting with walking and progressing to activities like swimming and jogging, aids in hypertension management. Yoga, including specific asanas and pranayama, can contribute to overall well-being. Water treatments, such as prolonged neutral baths and cold compresses, can complement lifestyle changes. Prolonged neutral bath daily for an hour or so at 90 o to 95 o will be beneficial. Cold compress should be kept on the head during this bath. Other water treatments include hot foot or leg bath for 10 minutes, hot compress over the heart replacing it as bath cools down. Persons suffering from hypertension must ensure at least eight hours of restful sleep, because proper rest is an important aspect of the treatment. Most important of all, the patient must avoid over-straining, worries, tension, anger and haste. He must try to be cheerful and develop a contented mind. The natural treatment may take some time but it is the safest and best way to get rid of this disease.

Conclusion: Addressing hypertension naturally requires patience and consistency, focusing on eliminating root causes rather than merely managing symptoms. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and mindful living are cornerstones of this holistic approach. By adopting these lifestyle changes and incorporating natural remedies, individuals can embark on a safer and more effective journey toward overcoming hypertension and achieving overall well-being.