Ever consider the possibility that we are residing in a virtual world? Elon Musk asserts that there is a one in a billion probability that this is fundamental reality. This seems bizarre, but it makes sense rationally. It’s a step toward the idea that life is some kind of game. With regard to modern technologies, video games are getting us very near to the same outcomes.

Playing “pong” on a game system that came out of a box labeled “Radio Shack” used to captivate me as a child. These days, you have to blink twice in certain games to realize the characters aren’t actual people. Because VR technology is so advanced, it’s easy to forget, even for a second, that you are not in the real world. Most of your senses can currently be fooled.

Other Civilizations: If there was any civilization that existed before civilization as we know it, who’s to say they haven’t reached that milestone of simulating a world where humans could not tell the difference between the real world—or even have a sense of the real world to compare it to? This could have been done by past civilizations, like Atlantis. This could have also been done by Aiens in a higher-type civilization or by beings from another dimension.

Other Dimensions: This dimension is just a shadow of the 4th dimension of what may be a realer existence. That existence could be the same difference as the nature of us and an open-world video game. We are just a dimension above an open-world video game in which we encounter other characters being controlled by other players (humans) and NPCs. NPC’s (non-player characters) can be characterized as A.I. in a video game that has no player. In this world, it would be characterized as a person with no soul. As above, so below!

Commonality of all religions and cultures: Almost all cultures and religions seem to have the same core concepts. There is talk about an afterlife or some other realm that we go to when we leave here. In every religion, there is an entity that is the creator, essentially existing outside of space and time. To that creator or observer, this would essentially be like a video game, a created holographic experience. It’s fascinating how the atoms that make us up are 99.99% empty space. Thats seems like some sort of divine hologram with which we don’t have a full explanation. Not the “citizens” anyways.

In religion, the depiction of God is all powerful—he can do anything. Many people fail to see what some of these powers may entail, and it’s just like a user playing an open-world video game. If a character in a video game dies before the player is finished with the character’s mission, a new session is created on the game server, and the game is resumed where the character died. The character may have lost some points or supplies, but what once seemed like a death is now only a mishap.

Now relate the player to God and the character to you. You get into a bad accident. You are lucky to be alive. You walk away from the crash, but the car is totaled. You go to church the next day and tell the pastor your story. He says, “That’s because it was not your time; God still has plans for you.” Just like a player restarting his video game, he has not achieved his goal as of yet.

The Multiverse: The theory of the multiverse says that all possibilities that can happen will play out in a parallel universe. We won’t go as far as every single possibility, but we will just focus on the current situation. In that crash, there is a universe where you did not make it and a universe where you did. A universe is like a session on an open video game server. If a character is to restart the game, another session on the server must be created. Just like another universe must be created with the outcome of you walking away from that crash. In the old session (universe), your loved ones may be morning you. That’s one idea of how another universe is created in the multiverse.

Quantum entanglement: “spooky action at a distance,” as Einstein has said. Quantum entanglement makes perfect sense in a holographic universe. Two entangled electrons simultaneously change when the other one does, no matter how far apart they are. It’s like changing a preference in a video game, where everything in that video game related to that preference is changed instantaneously. Time and space are simulated in a video game to make it seem like there is distance along the path that your character, in the video game, is walking on. That’s all because of the graphics chip inside the game console, which takes in information to render it as a graphical experience. Just like how our brains render or perceive this reality, Quantum entanglement suggests that space and time are just how our brains process information in this reality. Time may only be linear i our train of thought. Quantum entanglement pays no attention to space and time.

Death: So if there is any truth to what was just written, is death real? or at least death, as we know it—the exit from this world. The people that we see pass away by whatever means—did they really die, or was another session created where their awareness or consciousness lives on to finish their God-given mission? Are we the ones left in that characters “old session/universe” to mourn them as they are not aware of death? They are aware of a slightly different outcome—a universe in which they survived.

Quantum theory can be translated into most religions and practices as God’s will. Just like a video game, God wants to have an experience through us as the player does a video game. We won’t leave the game, this infinite loop, until whatever mission that was made for us is complete.

After that, is another story. Until then, Game on!

– Looper