In the continuation of our exploration of the Philadelphia Experiment, we delve into a complex web of inter-dimensional travel, extraterrestrial interactions, and clandestine government projects. This journey takes us from the mysterious events of 1943 to the startling developments of the 1980s, blending science, conspiracy, and the unexplained.

In 1953, an extraterrestrial race known as the Greys entered the scene. Their large vessel was orbiting Earth during the infamous Roswell crash. The crashed ship in Roswell was a smaller craft from this vessel. The U.S. government cordoned off the area, seizing the craft and discovering an injured extraterrestrial life form. Uncertain how to proceed, they sent a distress signal into space, seeking help for this being. The following year, 1954, saw the arrival of multiple smaller ships from the larger vessel at the White House. It was then that President Eisenhower met with the Greys.

Eisenhower agreed to exchange their technology for permission to conduct biological research on humans. However, the technology received paled in comparison to what was given up. The Greys, taking advantage of the deal, were allowed to establish 75 underground bases, housing over a million of their kind, and an underground railway system was constructed in 1959 to facilitate their movement. This deal possibly led to recent sightings in Miami.

Another group, from Orion, also arrived. They contributed significantly to the Phoenix Project and other modern technologies, and were aware of the importance of events occurring on August 12th.

The story delves into the mechanics behind these events

The Earth, like the human body, has biorhythms that peak periodically. These peaks, though brief, are potent. The ancients reportedly harnessed this knowledge, which our government might also possess. The directive for the August 12th experiment originated from the Chief Naval Officer, acting on instructions from the White House, who were informed by the K-group about Earth’s biorhythms.

Harry Bennett and Dr. Khustain provided key connections, while Dr. John Von Neumann conducted the experiments. The Phoenix Project, active from 1980 until its termination in 1983, was centered in Montauk, Long Island, the site of the Montauk experiments.

Torus of Time

The knowledge of the Torus of Time was the main reason they were able to make this work. Our reality is of a five-dimensional nature. The other five dimensions are separated by the sixth dimension, which is in isolation. The next five dimensions are a reverse copy of the first five, making a total of eleven dimensions. The twelfth dimension is known as hyperspace.

In our five-dimensional universe, there are three physical dimensions. The fourth dimension is time, and the fifth dimension controls the time rate flow of the fourth, depicted as a corkscrew in the image above. This fifth dimension creates an even flow of time, known as the “helical rate.” This is what they were manipulating in both projects. Researchers learned that by speeding up the corkscrew (helical rate) and then locking it (returning to normal speed) at a 45-degree angle, the ship becomes invisible to radar. If locked at a 60-degree angle, it vanishes from human sight. Going further risks the ship entering hyperspace and exiting our reality. The USS Eldridge had a sixth-dimensional function/capability to control the fifth dimension.

The Phoenix Project had an eighth-dimensional function but could extend further due to a lattice of LC networks, which were energy storage networks designed to store etheric orders of energy. They could store up to 25 dimensions (or “orders,” as they were called). By turning the system on and leaving it on continuously from the first of August, it cycled through the whole Torus of Time every 24 hours – plus and minus infinity adding one dimension of reality. After five days, they reached the 12th order, and by August 12th, they had gone beyond. The station reportedly never malfunctioned, thanks to the engineering of Preston Nichols.

The Earth’s biorhythms are in sync with this reality’s time wave. What they were doing was creating a reverse time wave from 1983 to 1943, which intersected in 1963. If the reverse time wave was not managed properly and collided with the current time wave, it could have regressed us to the Stone Age, with tectonic plates ripping off the continent of North America, causing domino effects around the world.

Dr. Van Neumann was aware of this and set up a team including himself, an unknown scientist, and two scientists from the future. They used the Montauk Project to utilize these scientists into the future. They moved hardware to 1963 to provide damping technology that would prevent the reverse time wave from hitting. Since we are still here, it seems to have worked. The extraterrestrials, of course, played a role in this because they wanted a viable planet as well. A torn-apart Earth was less useful to them.

The problem presented in 1963 was not a government project but was done privately. Talk about the real superheroes who had to save the world from the conundrum that someone had put the Earth in. Is it true that no story is original? And if any of this is true, then how deep does the rabbit hole go? How many times has this happened? How many times have we been here before, and the only thing that changes each time are the attributes of the variables that construct our Universe?

Why are the “aliens” here and what do they need from us?

  • They need our capability to manufacture their hardware here on earth
  • The Orion’s are facing advanced jungle warfare , in space, that we hope doesn’t reach the surface of Earth.
  • They need us as subjects for genetic experimentation to create another race. The CIA and government are conducting extreme genetic engineering,which most likely goes on today. like developing bio-implants.


Stay tuned for the Philadelphia Experiment Part 3!

  – Looper