The Philadelphia Experiment was a two-part mission, aiming not only to make the U.S.S Eldridge (Navy Ship) disappear from radar but to vanish altogether. The Phoenix project involved time travel and time tunnels (the contemporary definition of a wormhole) and was designed to be closely linked to the Philadelphia Experiment. The initial test did not go as originally planned but ultimately created a 40-year rift in space/time, becoming the primary goal of this project. However, by whom and why? This blog series will delve into the politics, the individuals involved, the details of challenges faced, how a complete disaster was averted, and the world-changing events that emerged from these projects.

Yes, the truth is always stranger than fiction, and the media were originally created to spread just that. As more and more people can create their own media in these modern times, the chance of unintended truths seeping through the cracks is that much greater. Whether you take this as truth or fiction, this is a very compelling story. In this first part series of this blog, we will go into the politics, people, and other entities involved with this infamous experiment.

The project started at the University of Chicago in 1931 with Nikola Tesla, Professor John Hutchinson, and staff Physicist Dr. Emil Kurtenauer. When Roosevelt was elected in 1934, he invited Tesla to come to Washington, as he had known Tesla since 1917 and wanted to see what he was up to. He already knew that Tesla was working on an invisibility project beforehand. In the meeting, Tesla told Roosevelt about his interaction with extraterrestrials. Eisenhower was already interested in metaphysics at the time and was very interested. Tesla told him about the equipment that was developed for such communication by RCA Communications, of which Tesla had been a member since 1919.

Tesla went on to become the Vice President and director of engineering worldwide for RCA in 1935. He mainly built super-sensitive receivers for RCA’s use in overseas communications. He used the tech he built and learned from to accomplish some of his other personal projects.

It’s crazy how most people don’t know this. They just associate Tesla with a vague understanding of his fascination, electricity, AC currency, and inspiration for the modern electric car. He was responsible for so much more. As this blog dives deeper into the Philadelphia experiment, you’ll understand more about who Tesla was.

Roosevelt requested to meet with these extraterrestrials, and Tesla agreed to have him meet two groups. The first group was the Pleiadians, and the second group was the Kondrashkin’s(dubbed the K-group). Roosevelt was eager to make some deal, seeing that the country was currently in a depression, and he wanted to get out of it. Roosevelt met with the Pleiadians first to see how they could help and strike a deal. Roosevelt met with the K-group before making up his mind. He decided to go with the K-group. The Pleiadians pulled out of the deal and supposedly made a deal with Nazi Germany – which is another story.

Roosevelt accepted their help, and The K-group provided a proposal for a new “Atomic” Industry in 1938. Roosevelt brought it to the military, but they turned it down in fear that we might become slaves to them in the near future by having them control this new “Atomic Industry.” Roosevelt turned down the K-group’s proposal, and in turn, the K-group stopped providing help and basically left. Not sure where they went or what they were doing, Roosevelt started “Psi-Core” in 1940, which is the backbone of very high-level spying operations that may be in existence today.

Psi-Core was a spy program made up of the best psychics that Roosevelt could find. The psychics they had were given secret identities and were initially housed in Arlington, Virginia. The program eventually expanded, and training programs/recruitment ramped up in 1941. Harry Bennett was responsible for finding a man to head up the training programs and recruitment of individuals. They ended up finding a man in 1941 called Emil Pidi Khustain. He was looking for paired twins which worked best. They ended up having 50 pairs (men and women) working at the peak of the program. The CIA took it over in 1947 until the NSA inherited it in 1950 and has ever since.

After World War 2, the NSA focused its efforts on Russia. Russia also had its own version of spy programs that the U.S may not have been aware of. There were also groups set up in several other countries.

A very weird thing about Pidi though, he was said to be a walk-in during the recruitment process and was secretly from the K-group. The very group the organization was created to spy on ended up taking over the directorship. I can just imagine what is going on today. Because of who he was, he actually provided a crucial role in both experiments (Philadelphia, Phoenix) locking up.

The Philadelphia experiment had to lock up with the Phoenix Project on a very specific date to work. That date was August 12th, 1943, and August 12th, 1983, give or take a day due to changes in the Gregorian calendar. The Phoenix Project was required to be active during August 12th, 1983, for this to work correctly. 

Dr. John von Neumann was the second and final Director of the Philadelphia Experiment and the first Director of the Phoenix project when it came online after WW2. The most important phase the project was from 1975 -1983 when it developed the time-traveling and tunneling abilities that the Philadelphia experiment (1943) needed to lock up with.

Someone had to know the critical dates on when this would work and the years in-between when it would not work. Also, how to communicate this information on both ends. This is where Emil and the K-group play a crucial role in all of this due to the fact that most extraterrestrials can time travel. The K-Group knew what was going on at both ends and ultimately had other plans in mind. Besides the scientific advancement that people like Tesla were looking for, the main reason was to create a 40-year rift in space\time to let some very huge vessels through from another space/time dimension.

This rift in space/time nearly caused the North American Tectonic plates to rip off and send us straight back to the Stone Ages. Issues faced during this time were equally immense as they were weird during this 40-year rift.

Find out how this catastrophe was averted, the science behind how all this worked, and what came through that 40-year space/time rift that was created in – The Philadelphia Experiment /Phoenix Project Part 2.

– Looper

Source: “Philadelphia Experiment” Documentary