
Dr. Steven Greer discusses various topics related to UFOs, extraterrestrial activity, government corruption, and technological advancements. He shares his concerns about false flag operations, the existence of a transnational organization working globally, and the manipulation of the public and media.

Dr. Greer also talks about his own projects such as “The Disclosure Project” and his interactions with government officials. He emphasizes the need for evidence to support claims of extraterrestrial existence and discusses the role of deep black groups in recovering and analyzing mysterious objects. Additionally, he delves into the concept of non-locality, advancements in healing technology, and the potential for clean energy technologies.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the hidden technology and man-made UFOs on the moon during the Apollo missions. He states that the early digital downloads of the lunar orbiter revealed images of ancient and newer structures on the moon, as well as UFOs sitting at the landing sites. The speaker claims that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were aware of these structures and UFOs, but were threatened with danger if they spoke out about it. The speaker also mentions a date in 1954, when they believe the gravity control technology was mastered using electromagnetic field systems. The speaker plans to reveal more information about this technology and the man-made UFOs at a conference in Washington D.C. before the film’s release.
  • 01:05:00 This section of the excerpt discusses the history of anti-gravic objects that were reported to have been seen in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The author claims that this technology was developed in the 1920s and 1930s, with experiments involving high voltage frequencies and crystalline materials. Senator John Warner, who passed away last year, likely spoke about his grandfather’s involvement in removing a Nazi Bell, a disc allegedly used for anti-gravity craft, from Germany at the end of World War II. The author then discusses Operation Paperclip, which brought over other Nazi scientists to work on research after the war. The discovery of extraterrestrial vehicles in the 1940s and 50s likely greatly boosted this research, resulting in the development of gravity control technology. The public’s perception of this technology has been distorted as it has been used in simulating extraterrestrial abductions and other events. Despite uncertainty, the possibility exists that extraterrestrial beings may have been present on the moon during the Apollo mission. The author suggests that advanced civilizations avoid going into space for conquest and military purposes, based on a potential policy among this group.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the transcript excerpt, Dr. Steven Greer discusses the idea that extraterrestrial civilizations are watching Earth and interested in humanity, due to both our potential and the problems we face as a species. He explains that interstellar beings have advanced technology that allows them to bring matter from a trans-dimensional field into 3D space, resulting in seamless crafts and suits that materialize on and off. Greer also touches upon the historical context of the UFO issue and the concern that extraterrestrial surveillance over nuclear weapons and missile sites was a result of humanity’s misuse of science for war and the violation of the nuclear threshold, which is viewed as an existential threat to both ourselves and others. He further emphasizes that humanity must first become a “level one civilization” before extraterrestrial beings may approach us, level two being a planetary state where our technology is not destructive to the environment and poverty is non-existent.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, Dr. Steven Greer discusses the evolutionary pathway of civilizations in the cosmos. He suggests that most civilizations, including the one on Earth, are still at a level zero, meaning they have not learned to be civilized. As proof, he mentions his emergency department that deals with war-related injuries and violence, which supports the idea that civilizations at this level of evolution often act in aggressive and violent ways towards each other. According to Dr. Greer, the civilization on Earth has evolved and is currently on level two, meaning it has achieved a state of peace, but this is not yet a permanent piece and there is still violence and active suppression of technologies that could eliminate poverty, hunger, and heal the planet, and individuals as well. He concludes that most civilizations in the cosmos would not be considered addressing civilization at Earth’s level. To make the transition to level three, Dr. Greer believes it is crucial to bring people together with knowledge and enlightenment and to define where society should be heading and how to achieve the desired future. He suggests the need for transparency in government to build trust and the importance of open-mindedness and collaboration to unravel deep black projects.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the criminal Enterprise declared by the government in 1997 and how it has not been corrected or rebuked. The speaker inquired a Navy SEAL whistleblower with confidentiality, and he requested courageous individuals from covert programs to come forward as whistleblowers. The speaker also shared that they have obtained half a dozen top secret whistleblowers through a podcast called the rigilance Elite. While some individuals don’t want to disclose their identity publicly, the speaker encourages them to do so for the betterment of society. The speaker expressed that he has recently met with government officials to discuss this matter. The speaker also mentioned his interest in Antarctica, wondering if it is home to extraterrestrial bases and underground facilities.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the video, Dr. Steven Greer discusses the hot spots on Earth where extraterrestrial activity is most commonly seen. He believes that the most important factor in attracting extraterrestrial activity is the coherent consciousness of the group performing CE5 contact protocols. If the consciousness in the group is aligned, he asserts that extraterrestrial beings will come to them no matter where they are on the planet. Dr. Greer suggests that certain institutions in California near Catalina Island and Malibu are hubs of craft sightings, and that there are other locations in the desert near Greer’s home in South America where activity has been seen. He also mentions an unspecified base inside Mount Shasta in California as a location where he has had successful contact events with extraterrestrial beings. However, Dr. Greer cautions that the existence of these hotspots does not mean that extraterrestrial beings can only be encountered in those locations. He emphasizes that the technology of extraterrestrial beings is highly advanced and they can appear anywhere in space at any time, provided that the group performing ce5 protocols has a coherent collective consciousness and an altruistic intention. Therefore, he believes that it is possible to have meaningful contact with extraterrestrial beings anywhere on Earth.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, Dr. Steven Greer discusses his past experiences involving disclosure of extraterrestrial life and the challenges he faced when trying to bring it to the public’s attention. He highlights the pressure and threats that led to the United Nations event being moved to the National Press Club, and how he had to navigate the hardball nature of politics to achieve his goal. Greer also talks about the importance of non-violent movements and the role that the people play in leading the way towards a sustainable and peaceful future for humanity. He emphasizes the need for hard work and dedication, and his personal belief that humanity is on the path towards becoming an interstellar civilization. Despite the challenges, Greer remains committed to his vision and sees his work as a way to help the Earth and her children.