The recent African Union Executive Council Summit brought together leaders and representatives from across the continent to discuss pressing issues and shape the future of the African Union. One of the key points of contention during this summit was the decision to invite Israel to become an observer, a move that stirred heated debates and passionate arguments. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the speaker’s experience and their perspective on the matter, shedding light on the complexities and controversies that unfolded.

A Divisive Decision

A representative of South Africa provided a firsthand account of their experience at the African Union Executive Council Summit. They expressed a strong opposition to the decision to invite Israel as an observer and passionately tried to persuade other member countries to follow suit. However, their efforts were met with limited success, with only a handful of nations showing support for South Africa’s stance.

The Critique

The speaker’s critique primarily centered on the African Union’s handling of the situation. They argued that Israel’s presence as an observer in the African Union contradicts the organization’s core principles and values. This sentiment stems from the historical and political complexities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where African nations have often voiced solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

The speaker questioned the necessity of providing observer status to Israel within the African Union. They contended that this move could undermine the organization’s commitment to supporting the rights of the Palestinian people and might inadvertently endorse actions taken by Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Moreover, the speaker questioned whether Israel’s inclusion as an observer was aligned with the African Union’s mission of promoting peace, security, and stability on the continent.

Considering the Speaker’s Perspective

To better understand the speaker’s perspective, it’s essential to recognize that the African Union has been historically supportive of the Palestinian cause, consistently expressing solidarity with their struggle for statehood and self-determination. In this context, inviting Israel to join as an observer was seen as a significant departure from this stance.

The speaker also suggested that the African Union should reconsider its list of observers, potentially revising its relationship with other nations as well. This viewpoint highlights the need for consistency in the African Union’s foreign policy approach. If one nation is granted observer status while its actions may be in conflict with the organization’s values, it raises questions about the credibility and coherence of the African Union’s stance on global issues.

Emphasizing Vigilance

A central theme in the speaker’s argument was the importance of Africa remaining vigilant against anti-Semitism and terrorism. While these concerns are indeed valid, it is crucial for the African Union to strike a balance between these concerns and its historical support for the Palestinian cause. This balance should aim to promote peace and stability in the region without inadvertently taking sides in a complex, long-standing conflict.


The decision to invite Israel as an observer at the African Union Executive Council Summit remains a contentious issue, provoking passionate debates among member countries and representatives. The speaker from South Africa’s critique of this decision reflects the historical stance of the African Union in support of the Palestinian cause and emphasizes the importance of consistency in foreign policy and vigilance against anti-Semitism and terrorism. This debate underscores the multifaceted challenges faced by the African Union in navigating global politics while preserving its core values and principles.