Uncovering the Truth: The Battle for Honesty in Cancer Research

In a world where the search for a cure to cancer is relentless, the story of "Leotro" takes us down a dark and twisted path within the scientific institution. The YouTube video, "Cover-Up Of Promising Cancer Treatment | Cancer Research | Documentary," sheds light on a controversial journey riddled with lies, deceit, and the pursuit of truth. In this blog post, we will explore the revelations made in the video, the speaker's relentless quest for justice, and the profound impact it had on the medical establishment.

A Journey of Revelation

The video begins by exposing the cover-up of a promising cancer treatment known as Leotro. It dives into the speaker's efforts to uncover inaccuracies and critique the papers published on Leotro, a treatment that held the potential to make a real difference in the fight against cancer. The video tells a story of an individual who refused to compromise their integrity for the sake of the scientific institution, even at the cost of their job.

The Importance of Fairness

One of the key messages in the video is the importance of fairness in evaluating data, a fundamental principle in scientific research. The speaker's determination to speak the truth and reveal the inaccuracies they discovered, despite facing personal and professional consequences, highlights the pressing need for integrity in the scientific community. The video emphasizes the disruption caused by the promising cancer treatment to the medical establishment, leading to an undeniable clash of interests.

The Power of Truth

The speaker's story takes an unexpected turn when they recall the rush to hold a press conference in June, just before Senator Kennedy's hearings on the potential banning of Leotro in July of 1977. The fear of being exposed as part of a cover-up led to efforts to create a countervailing paper to refute positive data on Leotro. In a brave move, the speaker sent a critique of Sloan Kettering's papers to various media outlets and stakeholders in the cancer field, ultimately holding their own press conference.

Facing Consequences

One of the most harrowing aspects of the video is the revelation of the errors and lies perpetrated by scientists involved in cancer research. The video highlights one major lie, the claim that all chemotherapy used to treat breast cancer could have anti-cancer effects in the mouth, despite contradicting literature. This falsehood was used to discredit Leotro, further emphasizing the urgent need for truth and integrity.

The Liberation of Honesty

The speaker's unwavering commitment to the truth led to their dismissal from their job. Their filing cabinet was seized, and they were forbidden from entering the building ever again. Surprisingly, despite the emotional turmoil, this experience brought a sense of liberation. The video underscores the weight that living a lie can place on individuals and institutions and the necessity of breaking free from it.

A Quest for Redemption

The video introduces us to the wife of a man who discovered Leotro and expresses her pride and support for her husband's work. This dedication is confirmed with a letter from Segura, commending their report on Leotro. The opposition to Leotro, as explained in the video, is not merely rooted in conspiracy theories but in the fear of losing control and authority within the medical establishment, largely influenced by big pharmaceutical companies.

A Bittersweet Ending

One of the most poignant aspects of the video is the mention of individuals who became involved in something they couldn't follow through on, resulting in a situation worse than if they had declined initially. The irony lies in the fact that while engrossed in a battle over a treatment, they were unknowingly fostering the conditions that ultimately led to their own demise.


The story presented in the YouTube video, "Cover-Up Of Promising Cancer Treatment | Cancer Research | Documentary," is a stark reminder of the challenges and ethical dilemmas that can plague the scientific community. It underscores the importance of truth, integrity, and fairness in research and the necessity of confronting the past to ensure a more honest future. The speaker's journey, filled with courage, determination, and sacrifice, serves as a testament to the power of honesty in the fight against cancer.